Extractions at True Dental Care in Jersey City NJ

This image shows the step-by-step process of a tooth extraction procedure. The dentist is using a dental elevator to loosen the tooth before removing it with forceps.

Everything You Need to Know About Extractions at True Dental Care

Are you experiencing tooth pain or discomfort? Do you have a damaged or decayed tooth that needs to be removed? If so an extraction may be the solution for you. At True Dental Care in Jersey City, NJ we offer a range of dental services, including extractions. In this article, we will provide you with everything you need to know about extractions at our practice.

What are Extractions?

Extractions are the removal of teeth from their sockets in the bone. There are two types of extractions: simple and surgical. Simple extractions are performed on teeth that are entirely visible in the mouth and that can be easily removed with forceps. Surgical extractions are more complex and involve cutting into the gum tissue to access the tooth.

Why Might You Need an Extraction?

There are several reasons that might result in the need for an extraction:

- Severe decay or damage

- Crowding

- Infection

- Impacted wisdom teeth

- Preparation for orthodontic treatment

If left untreated, these issues can lead to further complications such as infection and pain.

At True Dental Care, our team of experienced dentists will evaluate your situation and determine if an extraction is necessary.

What Happens During an Extraction?

Before any procedure is performed, our team will discuss your options with you and answer any questions you may have. We want our patients to feel comfortable and informed throughout their visit.

During a simple extraction, local anesthesia is administered to numb the affected area before removing the tooth with forceps. For surgical extractions or more complicated cases such as impacted wisdom teeth, general anesthesia may be necessary to ensure patient comfort during surgery.

Afterward, gauze is placed over the socket where the tooth was removed. This helps stop bleeding by encouraging the formation of blood clots, which in turn help protect against infections while healing occurs.

Our team will provide detailed instructions on how best to care for yourself after surgery, including proper oral hygiene practices like brushing twice daily using a soft-bristled brush and avoiding hard, crunchy foods until fully healed (usually 7 days).

What Can You Expect After Your Extraction?

After your extraction procedure has been completed there may be some mild discomfort but this should subside within a few days depending on how well one follows post-operative instructions provided by the team at True Dental Care. It's important not only to follow these instructions but also to take prescribed medications as directed by your dentist. Following your dentist’s instructions precisely will go a long way to ensuring that healing occurs properly without complications. Complications that may develop include infections - this is usually the result of a lack of proper care following surgery.

Swelling around the extraction area typically subsides within 48 hours after surgery. If, however, swelling persists beyond this time frame, we ask our patients to please contact us immediately so we can assess to make sure there are no other issues that require attention .

It's also important to avoid smoking/vaping during the recovery period since tobacco and tobacco products slow down the healing process; making it harder to recover quickly and completely from procedures like dental surgery.

Why Choose True Dental Care for Your Extraction Needs?

At True Dental Care, we understand how important it is to maintain good oral health and overall wellbeing. That’s why we strive to provide the highest quality dental care at all times. We ensure that each patient receives the personalized attention they deserve, regardless of the type of service they require .

Our experienced dentists use state-of-the-art equipment and up-to-date techniques to ensure optimal results every time, whether performing routine cleanings, fillings, root canal therapy, implants, or cosmetic procedures such veneers, crowns, bridges, etc.

We pride ourselves on providing compassionate and comprehensive services designed to meet individual needs and budgets and we do this while maintaining the highest standards of excellence and professionalism throughout the entire experience. We work together with you toward achieving optimal oral health goals!


In conclusion, if you are experiencing any kind of pain or discomfort related to the problems mentioned above, don't hesitate to schedule an appointment today and get started on finding relief! Our skilled professionals here at TRUE DENTAL CARE located right here in Jersey City, NJ, are ready to ensure you receive the best possible care!